Flag of the province of Utrecht.



Utrecht flags i love :3

Flag of the village of Austerlitz in the munincipality of Zeist. Austerlitz was given its name by King Louis Napolean of Holland in honorur of his brother, Emporer Napoleon of France, after his victory in the Battle of Austerlitz in Austria. Austerlitz is home to the Pyramid of Austerlitz.
Flag of the village and former independent Munincipality of Hoogland which is now a part of Langenoord.
Flag of the munincipality of Houten which has changed little since the 1500s until the 1960s where it started expanding and became an urban growth hotspot in 1992.
Flag of the village of Hei- en Boeicop in the munincipality of Vijfheerenlanden, the city consists of two long rows of houses across a small canal.
Flag of the town of Doorn in the munincipality of Utrechtse Heuvelrug, originally named Thorhem by the viking ruler Frisia, Rorik of Dorestad.
Flag of the former town and current munincipality of Oudewater. Oudewater was given city rights by the bishop of Utrecht, Hendrik van Vianden, in 1265. Almost all of it inhabitant were killed during the Siege of Oudewater by the Spanish.
Flag of the town and munincipality of Veenendaal. During 1795 after the arival of French troops Veenendeel declared independence from the Dutch Republic. After the end of the turmoil caused by the French the Netherlands reformed into a monarchy but let Veenendeel retain its independence until 1960 when its northern most non self-governing part merged with the sself governing town.