Flag of the province of Overijssel.



Overijssel flags i love :3

Flag of the village and munincipality of Losser which wass absolutley fucking rekt by troops of the independent city of Münster on September 21st 1665.
Flag of the town and former munincipality of Vriezenveen which is now within Twenterand. the citizens of Vriezenveen were obliged to pay a bucket of butter to the Lord of Almelo Evert van Hekeren in 1364 every year on Sint Martins day. what the fuck why? the village was plundered by GUESS WHO the independent city of Münster again in 1665 and then directly after that the entire village froze over and killed everyone lol. they're ok now.
Flag of the city of Steenwijk within the munincipality of Steenwijerland which received city rights in 1327 until captured by the evil fucking spaniards from 1568 to 1648 until regained by the netherlands in 1592.
Flag of the city of Rijssen in the munincipality of Rijssen-Holten. the city was given cities rights by Otto III van Holland after they got pissed at the Viscount of Goor and wanted to seperate. the bill of city rights was destroyed during a fire in the 1250s. it was only replaced in 2006.
Flag of the city of Diepenheim in the munincipality of Hof van Twente. The Diepenheimer citizens call the city "Stedeke" which is Overijsselish for "little city".