Flag of the province of Drenthe.



Drenthe flags i love :3

Flag of the munincipality of De Wolden, home of the Dutch female serial killer Hendrikje Doelen who brutally murdered 3 people directly and several people inderectly including her daughter Evertje Doelen using poisoned oatmeal pulp. lol.
Flag of the village of Zweeloo within the munincipality of Coevorden, home of a reformed churche made famous after Vincent van Gogh sketched a scene of a shepard with his flock in the foreground of the church.
Flag of the city and munincipality of Meppel. People from Meppel are sometimes reffered to as Meppeler Muggen, which means Mosquitoes from Meppel. this is due to the tale of how the people of Meppel reported that the citys church tower was on fire but after closer inspection realised the fire was only a swarm of mosquitoes. People from Meppel are also reffered to as mongolen due to this same story.
Flag of the town of Smilde within the munincipality of Midden-Drenthe. Smilde was home to the gay Dutch Jewish Writer Jacob Israƫl de Haan who immigrated to Palestine in 1919 as a zionist and after seeing how Zionists treated the Arab population became an outspoken Anti-Zionist and supporter of the Old Yishuv within Palestine instead of a Zionist state or British mandate upon the levant region. Jacob was later assasinated on June 30th, 1924, while exiting a synagogue in Jerusalem by Avraham Tehomia a Zionist militant who served as a commander for Haganah a state sponsered paramilitary group of isreal who slaughtered Arabs during several arabic riots and revolts. On a lighter note, Smilde was also home to the oldest Dutch woman to ever live, Hendrikje van Andel-Schipper, who lived for 115 years and 62 days until her death on August 30th, 2005.