
i dont know what to put here


Blog :3
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH you guys should play the metro games theyre good (no one is reading this).
i have been studying the whole day im FUCKED :3
this week is the start of my exams im so fuckign scared
i wasted too much time making a playlist for the radio and i didnt get to play anything. my boyfriend never talks to me on the week days and it makes me so sad i miss him so much. i dont even know why i understand during the school day cause he isnt allowed a phone in his school but he just doesnt talk to me the whole day. he only said 3 words to me today when i said 300. this post is over because im over thinking things and dont want to cry. (addendum) its 1:35 am i did completley over react i am a retard i just love him too much.
easy day i feel fine i think. the adderal doesnt work.
i have to go back to school today and im not as upset about it cause my room mates gone.
i went to a bunch of estate sales it was nice i got a bunch of books, crime and punishment by Dostoyevski, some Slovakian calender calender book from 1934, the rise and fall of the third Reich, selected writings in sociology and social philosophy by Karl Marx, the prisoner of zenda, Franz kafka short stories, and Från primitiv till industriell kommunism: eller Syndikalismen från samhällshistorisk synpunkt by Johan Sandgren.
i went to the doctor and got prescribed adderal i guess. cool
im hommme from school my next semesters schedule is gonna be shit but right now im happy.
MY FUCKING ROOM MATE MOVED OUT WOOOOOOOOOO IM SO HAPPY should i buy a dildo or a bong with my 25 dollar giftcard answer in the comments below or wait no you could use my guest book.
its 12:01 my dads picking me up at 12:10 or so to get me ingredients for my oral report tomorrow where im making dutch spekulas cookies :3 the door to the radio roooms broken so i cant go in there to do my work and play music which is sad so im just sitting in the closed off hallway where its private. i want bunnies i love rabbits so much.
im fucking bored!!!! also yesterday i did not finish my paper but i just got it finished how cool. i really hope my teacher is fine with my 4 pages of sources she got angry at them last time. i needed it thought it was about unionization i needed a lot of sources. last night at 2 am i had to walk across my whole campus through 6 inchs of snow in flip flops and my feet still hurt. it was so so beautiful in the morning though
i got to play more music on the radioooi am very tired but comfy.
yesterday was wills birthday and i feel bad i couldnt send him anything or be at his party cause im on the other side of the entire country. tonight i have to drive all the way back to my dorm and endure my awful room mate, im looking into getting a single room so i hope that gets approved because i cant handle this. also i need to finish a 6 page paper today, but i can do it i hope. i am thankful for my boyfriends existence he makes me so happy even when so much shit is piled on me. love you jaayyy.